Dr. Jans Fromow-Guerra

Professor of Cellular and Tissue Biology (Faculty of Medicine) and Professor of Ophthalmology (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Facultad Medicina UNAM, Mexico

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Dr. Jans Fromow-Guerra, former Professor of Cellular and Tissue Biology, is currently professor in the master and doctor degree program at the Faculty of Medicine in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Professor of Ophthalmology at the same institution. He graduated summa cum laude from UNAM before completing his specialization in ophthalmology and his fellowship in retina and vitreous surgery at the Association for the Prevention of Blindness in Mexico and UNAM.


Dr. Fromow-Guerra is an active member of the Mexican Society of Ophthalmology, the Mexican Council of Ophthalmology, the Mexican Retina Association, AAO, ARVO, EVRS, PAAO, and the American Society of Retina Specialists, from which he received an Honor Award in 2006 and a Senior Honor Award in 2008.


In 2006, Dr. Fromow-Guerra was a founding member of the Pan-American Collaborative Retina Study Group, and in 2010 he was a founding member of the México Colegio Nacional de Investigación en Ciencias Visuales (MARVO; part of the ARVO International Chapter Affiliates Program). He served as President of the Mexican Retina Association in 2013 and President of MARVO from 2013 to 2015. He is currently Researcher Level I in the Mexican National System of Researchers.


Dr. Fromow-Guerra has published more than 80 original scientific papers and book chapters. His main topics of interest and research are focused on the clinical and surgical aspects of retinal diseases, especially in the fields of molecular biology, clinical epidemiology, nutrition, imaging, and the development of diagnostic scales. He heads the first probabilistic population study of prevalence of ocular diseases and a study of validation of telemedicine for the early diagnosis of blinding diseases.