Dr. Jennifer Arnold

Consultant Ophthalmologist, Marsden Eye Specialists, Australia

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Dr. Jennifer Arnold is an ophthalmologist and medical retinal subspecialist working in Sydney, Australia, where she is a partner at Marsden Eye Specialists. As well as performing clinical duties, Dr. Arnold is involved in clinical research, coordinating a research department of ophthalmologists, orthoptists and registered nurses that conduct international and local clinical trials into retinal diseases.


Dr. Arnold contributes to numerous publications; is involved in teaching, advisory boards and audit groups; and in 2012 became Chair of the Grants Review and Awards Committee for the Global Ophthalmology Awards Program from Bayer. She is a member of the Macula Society.


Dr. Arnold’s main research focus is the development of new treatments for AMD, DME, and RVO. Indeed, she was involved in the revolutionary work carried out in recent years to improve the diagnosis and management of AMD.